BTT 2.0 维生素矿物质
BTT 2.0 维生素矿物质是富含必需营养素的维生素矿物质综合複方,包含全食物、微量矿物质、抗氧化成分、益生元与益生菌及氨基酸。此外,协同营养素能确保身体达到最大吸收率。本款产品拥有高达 8,000 分的抗氧化数值(ORAC),帮助对抗自由基并维护整体健康。
在 核心營養
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Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0
Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 是富含必需營養素的維生素礦物質複合物。全食物、微量礦物質、抗氧化成分、益生元與益生菌及氨基酸。另外,增效營養素確保最大吸收率。8,000 ORAC 抗氧化分數幫助身體對抗自由基並維護整體健康。
播放視訊 Introducing 3.0 Rise & 3.0 Restore by Youngevity!
Introducing 3.0 Rise & 3.0 Restore by Youngevity!
Over 30 years of research and proven nutritional support products have laid the foundation for a revolution in supplementation. Youngevity’s all new dual-system 3.0 Rise and 3.0 Restore is our most advanced nutrition!
播放視訊 Introducing 3.0 Rise & 3.0 Restore by Youngevity!
Introducing 3.0 Rise & 3.0 Restore by Youngevity!
Over 30 years of research and proven nutritional support products have laid the foundation for a revolution in supplementation. Youngevity’s all new dual-system 3.0 Rise and 3.0 Restore is our most advanced nutrition!
播放視訊 Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0
Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0
Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 es un complejo multivitamínico de origen mineral con nutrientes esenciales. alimentos integrales, minerales traza, antioxidantes, prebióticos y probióticos y aminoácidos.