Dr. Gold Persistence Award
Carmen Osuna recipient of the first-ever Dr. Corey Gold Persistence Award.
Carmen Osuna – Leadership Based on Belief
To Carmen, being a Youngevity leader has meant grown on an economical, emotional and spiritual level. Now, she’s on a mission to help everyone on her organization to believe in themselves, just like her leaders believed in her.
Carmen Osuna –Liderazgo y Convicción
Para Carmen ser una líder Youngevity ha representado crecimiento a nivel económico, emocional y espiritual. Ahora, se encuentra en una misión para ayudar a todos en su organización a creer en sí mismos, como sus líderes creyeron en ella.
Lisa Chelius, Levi Cabello, and Carmen Osuna - Circle of Excellence Award - SLC Stage Segment
The Circle of Excellence Club is a group of distributors who has distinguished themselves with their efforts to train, motivate, encourage and support others-regardless of their downline affiliation.